Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are the advantages of a Brazilian wax over shaving?

Most young women would be embarassed now to get their panties off with a man with all their pubes still in place. A Brazilian gets it all off from front to back, but it's like up to $40. Shaving takes more time and effort and it grows back quicker, but it's cheap. And is there anybody still out there who still thinks it's OK to put out with a boy with all their pube still there - yuk!?What are the advantages of a Brazilian wax over shaving?
Having pubes is disgusting! A brazilian is better because it makes the whole area soft and supple. Much better for oral.What are the advantages of a Brazilian wax over shaving?
I'm a shaver, only for the reason that no one in my area offers brazilian waxing for under $50.

I love waxing (other people) in the salon, but I can't quite get up the nerve to wax MYSELF.

But no, I don't want to undress in front of anyone with things gone wild. People should at least trim, for gods sake.
it lasts longer
Believe it or not, most women don't shave or wax. Pubic hair on a woman is as natural as it is on a man. This is just a fashion thing, and it will pass like the others. But to answer your question, waxing is quicker, lasts a lot longer, and doesn't cause razor burn or the risk of cuts in sensitive areas.
Any guy will take it but if you really want to give him what he wants then go Braziliian. I'm willing to bet 99 out of 100 prefer no hair. Much softer and to be honest most men really want to see everything, we love how you look down there. Also a little known fact the reason we have pubic hair is for scent retention. It's the animal in us, ..... talk about gross I don't want any scent retention and I don't think women do either! So men join together and take out the shears!
I'd never let a guy see me with pubes - urgh! I get a brazilian wax once a month. It stays smooth for over 3 weeks, no irritation and it makes the skin better around that area - kind of softer. They look and feel really sexy and the guys love it! I highly recommend getting one.

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