Friday, May 14, 2010

About how much does it cost to get a Brazilian wax?

Also, how long does it last?

How bad does it hurt?About how much does it cost to get a Brazilian wax?
I believe it costs anywhere from $40 and up(I get mine for $45). If your thinking of getting it done, make sure you go to a clean place. A bad experience may discourage you from having a Brazilian wax in the future and cause you problems from skin infections and ingrown hairs. I think It is best to choose a beauty salon from a word of mouth recommendation or a salon with a good reputation.

As far as the pain goes, its not way too bad, but its not the best feeling in the world. Some areas are a lot more sensitive than others because the skin is thinner.Try to engage in conversation with your beautician during a brazilian wax session as this will help you relax and keep your mind off the waxing. Some places actually sell a numbing cream that you can use before you come in. I'm not too sure if it works, but guess i its worth a shot if you can't really take the pain of waxing well.

The results from a Brazilian wax may last between 3 to 6 weeks depending on your hair regrowth rate. The more often you go, less hair grows back.

Hope this helps =)About how much does it cost to get a Brazilian wax?
It's best to have a look around at all the different places in the area that you live that offer Brazilian waxing and just compare the prices. Make sure that the place you choose is proffesional as you would not want to risk sustaining any injury to that area!

Depending on the type of hair that you have, the hair can start growing back anywhere between 2-4 weeks from when you first get it done.

Personally, the first time I got mine done it was quite painful. Before you go in, take some sort of painkiller and try to be relaxed. Engage in conversation with the person who is waxing you as it may take your mind off the pain and make time pass more quickly :)

Good luck!

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