Saturday, January 23, 2010

What can I expect during my brazilian wax?

I've got an appointment to get a brazilian wax at a salon in Manhattan in about a week. Has anyone had this done? Where did you have it done? What can I expect to experience during the procedure? What is a reasonable price for this type of service? Any information would be helpful.What can I expect during my brazilian wax?
Just make sure you shower before appointment! That's the only thing us professional expect. We know its strange to be naked in front of someone with your body in a fashion you never thought possible! You are going to find ways to position your body you never thought possible, seriously! It will hurt a bit. But your waxer will walk you through it. Trust me, she is used to nervous women during this service. The price is between $50-$65. Tip 18% as that is customary in NY. Once you get over the first appointment you will feel much better. Just relax don't tense your body. If you tense it hurts more. And some women ever pass gas during this service, don't feel embarrassed, like i said as a professional we are used to this.What can I expect during my brazilian wax?
baby like skin after the pain wears off
pain and less hair.
it's very painful and a little awkward and embarassing. i hope u can handle being naked on the bottom half in front of someone, and assisting them with holding bits here and there! LOL. good luck hun :)
you can experience an extreme intense pain all yours for a low price of 25.00 at your nearest salon.

I personally would rather use nair or just shave instead of getting waxed.. ouch! ouch! KELLY CLARKSON!!!!!!!!

I think it is the best way to go or if u dont want to do that just shave.

Most waxings occur in a private room with a door. I have heard of some with just a curtain between you and others. You remove your pants %26amp; underwear %26amp; lie on a table with clean paper or sheets.

Because you only need about a quarter-inch of hair for the wax to grab onto, your waxer will start by trimming your pubic hair.

The best waxers are fast, which means less discomfort for you. The waxer will dip a waxing stick into a pot of hot wax %26amp; then spread it onto your skin %26amp; hair. She will then apply a cloth strip over the still-warm wax, pressing firmly so the cloth, hair and wax adhere to one another. When the wax has cooled, she will pull the strip off, in the opposite direction of your hair growth, pulling the hairs out by the root.

Most likely, your waxer will tweeze any stray hairs.

Waxing usually starts in the front %26amp; moves toward the back. You'll likely have to move around in all sorts of odd positions in order for the waxer to do her job.

Once the waxing is over, the waxer will spread soothing lotion over the waxed areas. You should ask what to do in case redness or bumps develop. Your waxer should be trained in this.

Don't forget to get the name of the waxer so when you make another appointment you can get the same person.


The procedure, like any waxing, can be very painful at first, but frequent visits usually cuts down on the pain factor. As for the embarrassing factor -- we like to think getting a Brazilian can't be any more embarrassing than a typical visit to your gynecologist's office. These aestheticians have seen it all before.

The down side of a Brazilian wax... while it lasts as much as 3-4 weeks or it depends on how fast your hair grow back you will have wait the hair will grow back %26amp; you'll have to do it again.

Another down side... hair has to be a certain length before it can sucessfully waxed.

Another down side... you might experience red bumps or

ingrown hairs.
It hurts like hell, but babe! Once it's done you will LOVE it!!!
it hurts like you wouldent belive, then you go numb and it only hurts like hell. :) have fun
pain. ouch. that is what to expect. you will be totally bald just so ya know. good luck with that.
Its not going to feel great! Make sure you put on lotion to avoid bumps and ingrown hairs!!!

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